Postdoctoral Position in Volcanic-Tectonic-Climate Modeling

We would like to announce a new opportunity to get involved with CLEVER Planets research as a postdoctoral scholar. The CLEVER Planets team and the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University are seeking someone to fill a fully funded postdoctoral scholar position who would explore volcanic-tectonic-climate interactions of rocky planets and how such interactions affect habitability. To learn more about this position and apply, please visit the ad with a full description on our Open Positions page....

NASA-CLEVER Planets Postdoctoral Opportunity

We would like to announce a new opportunity to get involved with CLEVER Planets research as a postdoctoral scholar. Because CLEVER Planets is part of the Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS), candidates may submit a proposal to work on this project (or any other in the NExSS Research Coordination Network) through the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP). Upcoming application deadlines are November 1st, 2018 and March 1st, 2019. To learn more about this position and apply, please visit the ad on our Open Positions page....

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